Red Hot Cyber

Cyber security, cybercrime, hack news, and more

- March 18th, 2024 - (Posted in Cybercrime and Darknet)
Let's talk a bit about CDNs, or Content Delivery Networks, and how they can be real digital lifesavers. Imagine being in a crowded restaurant. There's only one waiter running around serving all the customers. Now, if each table had its own dedicated waiter, the service would be much faster, right?...

The History of the Unix Operating System (Part 2)

Author: Carlo DenzaOriginal Publication Date: 07/10/2021Translator: Tara Lie Star Trek IV – The Voyage Home, directed by Leonard Nimoy (USA, 1986, Paramount Pictures): “The starship

Technology Evolution

The History of the UNIX operating system (Part 1)

Author: Carlo DenzaOriginal Publication Date: 12/12/2020Translator: Tara Lie This article discusses the history of the Unix operating system (OS), a miracle of modern technology. This OS is used

Discover Quantum Computing

Welcome to the Red Hot Cyber community’s Quantum Technology Group page. The themed group will be lead by industry experts, and will focus on the

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